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Earth Conservation Corps  transforms young people’s lives and communities through hands on conservation, career development,  and civic engagement. 

"Conservation begins with the boots on your feet"
-Dr. Dian Fossey
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Across thirty years we have seen that youth restoring habitats, assisting field biologists or  caring for a raptor ambassador is a transformative experience that inspires a lifelong connection to nature, a reconnection to self and a  career path.

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Since its creation in the George H. Bush White House, the Earth Conservation Corps volunteers have galvanized and led the movement that has transformed America's most polluted river, the Anacostia, into the now swimmable blue heart of our city. 

Earth Conservation Corps is a signature conservation corps in the nation’s capital and  a proud member of The Corps Network, an alliance of 130 conservation corps across the United States working to address climate change, improve the quality of rivers and parks, and foster the conservation leaders of the future.​

Founding Corps Member Rodney Stotts Featured on CBS Mornings


GuideStar Gold Seal of Transparency 2021

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